Author: Kathy Culmer

  • God’s Face

    On the weekend, while presenting at a retreat for Spiritual Directors, following a re-mem-ber-ing your favorite Bible story exercise, a participant shared a story with me that I share here, with her permission. Early in her nursing career, she told me, she was an OB nurse, and one day, one of her fellow nurses shared…

  • What If #120

    A reading from On the Wings of Prayer What if? “Do not cling to events of the past    or dwell on what happened long ago.Watch for the new thing I am going to do. –Isaiah 43:19 What if in this day that the Lord has made all fresh and new, we decided to do something new or…

  • Facing Storms #261

    A reading from On the Wings of Prayer So they went and woke Jesus, shouting, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” But he got up and gave orders to the wind and the violent waves. The storm died down and it was calm. Luke 8:24 There are storms brewing. Some are in the forecast, and…

  • Breathe Life Deeply #282

    BREATHE life deeply… But don’t hold breath in too long. Do not inhibit its flow. ’Cause you never know. When it will be all gone. Savor every morsel, even the bitter to taste. Don’t let a crumb of life you’ve been given go to waste. Though life offers many courses, no second helpings are given…

  • Praise God Anyway #146

    A reading from On the Wings of Prayer Even when the sky is gray, the sun will shine another day. Praise God anyway. Even when you don’t know the words to say, words are not the only way. Praise God anyway… To purchase your copy, click below. Kathy CulmerI am a storyteller, a poet, a…